buildings are harder than trees.
This is most likely the midpoint of my book sculpture. Hopefully, I'm farther than that. And I'm happy with it. At the moment.
The past sculptures I've done had trees on them. Trees don't have to be exact. I'd start making a tree and let the branches go where they want and viola. Beautiful. With a building, things have to be exact or as close as you can get. If it isn't it ends up looking more like a second grade craft project vs. an illustration that will be published in a newspaper I've admired since college.
The scene from Divergent should be recognizable (once finished) to those who have read the book and have seen the trailer. She jumps from a tall building into the giant dark hole. I won't go in to more detail since I don't think the trailer tells more. Don't want to be a spoiler.
My next step is to craft paper people. I want to have a crowd on the top of the building while the lead character jumps off the top. I am hoping to achieve the image with a slow shutter speed and dramatic lighting while she is dropped. Fingers crossed. I never really know how these will turn out. I have a sketch and I have talked out my idea to several friends. Talking about it helps. If my descriptions can give someone a clue to what I am talking about and they get excited about it, I feel like I am on the right track. Of course, I tell the friends I know will be brutally honest. So, I tell my idea and wait for a "that's going to be so awesome! you could do this and this and this, too!" or a seriously confused look. Both are welcome. The first is preferred.
We shoot the sculpture in the studio tomorrow. I always get nervous for this part because after all the work I've done, if the photo isn't strong my illustration isn't either. Luckily, I work with (and have worked with) the best and haven't been let down. The nerves are still there, though. Not to mention, I now have about 24 hours left including a full day of work (not related to the sculpture). I know I can do it. Right? Right. I can. It just may cost me a night of sleep. That's OK. I have always gotten it done before. But what if I don't! See?! The nerves!
Ok, time to start working and stop typing. I'll post the finished product later this week. -brb
I pretty much hated it here and thought it was hopeless.
I liked it here and changed my mind about telling my boss it wasn't going to work
Completely questioned my decision to build on top of the book cover. She is jumping into the book. And it gives nice contrast. It is also a different approach from my past sculptures.