coming down from the high
The "Divergent" page printed today! The print came out wonderful. The detail that I spent hours on is visible and I couldn't be happier.
After I wrote the last post, I went into work and started on the sculpture at about 7:30 p.m. The people took FOR.EVER. or so it felt. I left work at 3 a.m. and returned at 6 a.m. to leave later that day at 7 p.m. And I would do it all over again. I love what I do. I love the process. I love the problem solving - and it all takes time.
The first couple people were a challenge, but by the fifth I felt like I was cruising through and actually felt I would be ready by the photo shoot.
The shoot was a huge success. The' Pham was my photographer and really brought the piece to life. After an hour and a half of lighting adjustments we had it and spent another hour perfecting the shot. I quickly moved away from the plan of dropping the main character with a low shutter speed. What was I thinking? She would have been all over the place. We ended up attaching her to fishing line and then to a stick. I was able to move her around the book and change her body position.
The' was great to work with. He would tell me "left, higher. OK. feet towards me." there was a lot of laughing when the falling girl seemed to have a mind of her own while my arm was unsteady. She didn't listen at all. It was great working together and the help was much welcomed when it came to problem solving for the piece. Words can't explain how much I appreciate photographers. One day I would like to shoot my own pieces, but for now I am just so grateful to work with people who take my opinions in the studio and pour just as much heart into their half of the illustration as I do.
After we landed on the photo we wanted The' photoshopped out the fishing line and toned the photo. I had been thinking about the page and the headline since the start so it came together quickly. The section editor allowed me to bump a story inside and my design director gave me some small edits.
I still haven't caught up from the missed sleep, but what a rush the whole thing was. Check out the "features" tab to see the finished page.
I am very aware of how creepy this one looks.