a really happy January
Last year was actually a really good year for me.
- I didn't go blind.
- I began planning a wedding.
- My sister visited! And agreed to be my maid of honor.
- I became Creative Director at PBN.
- Became one of 4 designers in the company on the National Content Team.
- I made new friends that I can't imagine my life without. And reconnected with some I had lost.
- I moved to a house with a mango tree.
- I saw my family at Christmastime.
- I found out that at some point I paid for a year of Amazon Prime. The happiest accident when you live in Hawaii.
- I went snorkeling for the FIRST TIME. And managed not to drown.
- I explored the Big Island and saw lava.
- I made a book sculpture.
- I got a tent! Yay camping!
The list could keep going. Sure, there were rough patches in the year but the moments I look back on - for me personally - were pretty fantastic.
This year has started off pretty fantastic, too. On Friday we had our company holiday party. It was so nice to be out of the office laughing and spending time with each other (off deadline). Once everyone got there I was so honored by what happened next. I was announced as Employee of the Year. PBN hasn't given out the award before and I don't have words for how honored I am to be the first.
I work with a very small team and every single person could have been chosen without question. The fact they chose me meant so much. I have so much trust and freedom there. They allowed me to hand paint this year's Book of Lists cover. Making an aloha print - that wasn't tacky but not too trendy but still Hawaii - was SO HARD. But everyone was supportive and gave great input. That support really makes me love what I do.
For this year, I'm working on being more in the moment and not stressing about things beyond my control. That means giving social media a rest. Election season about wrecked me. I'm keeping my phone in my pocket more and having more conversations with those around me. I decided that rather than read about all of the ways I can make a difference, I'm actually going to do something. I've started taking the bus to work. Not only am I saving ($200 a month... and that is still with me purchasing a monthly bus pass), I'm also purchasing way less fuel and I have time to read books. And our new house has solar powered hot water - which I LOVE. I am watching much more closely where I put my dollar.
Thanks for reading my ramblings.